Project Deliverables

VIPEER_D02. Dissémination et valorisation. Avril 2013.

VIPEER_D11. Value Chain and Business Models. December 2010.

VIPEER_D12. Preliminary VIPEER functional architecture. July 2011.

VIPEER_D13. Updated VIPEER functional architecture. April 2012.

VIPEER_D14. Final State of the Art on Business Models for Content Distribution. March 2013.

VIPEER_D21. Deployment of a Stand-alone Measurement Testbed. December 2010.

VIPEER_D22. Traffic Classifier, QoE Evaluater and their integration. December 2011.

VIPEER_D23. Advances on monitoring and integration to the demonstrator. February 2013

VIPEER_D31. Content Adaptation Use Cases. Architectural Specifications of the Content Adaptation Engine. July 2010.

VIPEER_D35. Final State of the Art on Content Distribution. March 2013.

VIPEER_D41. State of the Art on dCDN. December 2010.

VIPEER_D42. Preliminary report on the CDN/dCDN design. July 2011.

VIPEER_D43. Report on the CDN/dCDN design. April 2012.

VIPEER_D44. Preliminary report on CDN/dCDN modeling and analysis. December 2012.

VIPEER_D45. CDN/dCDN performance evaluation and analysis. March 2013.

VIPEER_D51. Mid Term Demonstration Scenarios. March 2011.

VIPEER_D54. Demonstration Video. November 2012.

VIPEER_D55. Final Demonstration. Scenarios and Analysis. March 2013.


International Conferences

Zhe Li and Gwendal Simon. "Time-Shited TV in Content Centric Networks: the Case for Cooperative In-Network Caching", in Proc of IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC), 2011.

Laura Aspirot, Ernesto Mordecki and Gerardo Rubino: "Fluid Limits Applied to Peer-to-Peer Network Analysis", in proc of Quest 2011, Aachen, Germany, 2011.

Damiano Carra, Moritz Steiner and Pietro Michiardi: "Adaptive Load Balancing in KAD", in Proc IEEE P2P 2011

Baer, Arian; Barbuzzi, Antonio; Michiardi, Pietro; Ricciato, Fabio: "Two Parallel Approaches to Network Data Analysis", in Proc. of ACM SIGOPS LADIS 2011, in conjunction with VLDB2011

Kamal Singh, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, and Gerardo Rubino: “Quality of Experience estimation for adaptive HTTP/TCP video streaming using H.264/AVC”. 9th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference - Multimedia & Entertainment Networking andServices. CCNC 2012, 14-17 Jan. 2012, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Tristan Groleat, Matthieu Arzel, Sandrine Vaton: "Hardware acceleration of SVM based traffic classification on FPGA". TRAC IWCMC 2012, Limassol, Chypre, août 2012

Zhe Li, Gwendal Simon and Annie Gravey. "Caching policies for in-network caching". 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN12) - Network Architectures and Clean-Slate Designs Track (NACSD), Munich, Germany, 30 July-3 August 2012.

LI Zhe, SBAI Mohamed Karim, HADJADJ-AOUL Yassine , GRAVEY Annie, ALLIEZ Damien, GARNIER
Jérémie, SIMON Gwendal, MADEC Gérard, SINGH Kamal. "Network Friendly Video Distribution". NoF 2012: 3rd International Conference on the Network of the Future, 21-23 november 2012, Tunis, Tunisia, 2012. BEST PAPER AWARD.
F. Guillemin, B, Kauffmann, S. Moteau, A. Simonian. "Experimental analysis of caching efficiency for YouTube traffic in an ISP network". International Teletraffic Conference, Shangai, September 2013.
F. Guillemin, T. Houdoin, S. Moteau. "Volatility of Youtube traffic in Orange networks and consequences". International Conference on Communications, Budapest, June 2013.
A. Gravey, F. Guillemin, S. Moteau. "Last Mile caching of Video Content by an ISP". Second European Teletraffic Seminar, ETS'2013, Karlskrona, October 2013.

Journal Papers

Tarik Taleb, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul and Stefan Schmid: "Geographical Location and Load based Gateway Selection for Optimal Traffic Offload in Mobile Networks", LNCS Volume 6640/2011, 331-342, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20757-0_26

Jimmy Leblet, Zhe Li, Gwendal Simon and Di Yuan. "Optimal Network Locality in Distributed Virtualized Data-Centers", Computer Communications, Oct. 2011.

Francesco Albanese, Damiano Carra, Pietro Michiardi and Azer Bestravos: "Peer-assisted content distribution on a budget", Elsevier Computer Networks, available online Feb. 2012.

Flavio Esposito, Ibrahim Matta, Debajyoti Bera and Pietro Michiardi: "On the Impact of Seed Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Networks", "Computer Networks", Volume 55, Issue 15, October, 2011


Michiardi, Pietro; Barbuzzi, Antonio; Carra, Damiano: "Shared Cluster Scheduling: a Fair and Efficient Protocol", EURECOM - Research Report 11-259, 2011

Zhe Li. "Optimisation d'un réseau de distribution de contenus géré par un opérateur réseau". Th. doct. : Informatique, Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom Bretagne-UEB, January 2013


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