Social Media for Collaborative Activities

Social media and semantic web have a considerable impact on the ways to learn, to interact, and to exchange. They also question the school and the cultural mediation, and our relationship with Knowledge. Tools and uses allow to create new personal and networked environments for learning and cultural mediation purposes. Digital literacy also reinvest physical spaces by proposing collaborative practices throughout third places. This presence in physical spaces is extended through mobile equipments which enable us to envisage learning everywhere, any time, and depending on the context (mobile, ubiquitous and/or pervasive learning).

Personal Learning Environment (PLE) has emerged from the combination of social media, their social dimension, and their organization to manage personal learning. The idea is that the learner organizes on his own the learnig process, the choice of tools to support it, in order to achieve his specific objectives his social network, in furtherance of his own objectives in a reflexive approach [Chatti et al.2007] [Siemens2006]. There are both the acknowledgement of personal responsibility and the principles of continuous constructed approach involving self-reflection (by promoting, notably inquiry based approaches) and hence a lifelong learning approach. This is the context in which George Siemens and Stephen Downes have developped a new instructional theory, that can be perceived as the Social constructivism extension of in the Web era, the connectivism [Siemens 2005]. The learning network is then constituted of interactions between individuals and their knowledge. We are therefore especially interested in the design of Technology Enhanced Learning environments and cultural mediation based on social media using inquiry based and connectivism approaches in open environments such as MOOCs.

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