Object : MODALES project is aimed at designing an adaptive E-learning system for probationary teachers, based on real practices. The course topic is about “the air as gas in its static and dynamic aspects: properties, theory and applications” for different categories of probationary teachers – called learners. In our framework, scenarios may change according to the following features: i) the category of learners having intra and inter category variability; ii) the available resources from different domains - physics, didactic and epistemology - which can be determined by teachers iii) distance or face-to-face activity according to learner needs and learning policy iv) the sharing of activities between teachers, learners and computers according to learner needs and learning policies. These features will lead to adaptation policies in the E-learning system. The main issue is to design a generic scenario which can deal with most of learning situations. From a generic scenario, the e-learning system will compute on the fly a particular scenario dedicated to the current learner and its learning situation. The generic scenario acts as scaffolding in the e-learning system.
Partenars: CREAD (Rennes2-IUFM de Bretagne), IUFM de Bretagne, centre de Brest et Rennes, Centre de Recherches en Psychologie, Cognition et Communication (EA 1285), Rennes, Université de Rennes 2
The main goal of the p-LearNet project is to explore the potential of Pervasive Communications, for a large and important field of application: human learning, whatever the place, the time, the organisational and technological contexts, of the individual or collective learning process. It seems effectively that human learning, considered as formal or informal knowledge exchanges and buildings, through Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) systems, is crucial for the development not only of the level of education of a population, but also for the performance of the organisations. It is clear that our pilot sites (e.g., Auchan, La Poste...) see the learning process, not only as valuable for their employees in order to be more efficient and reactive to the commercial situation, but also for their clients especially into e-Commerce (BtoB or BtoC).
The p-LearNet project aims at proving the feasibility of a new domain of functionalities for an emerging domain called “Pervasive Learning” (or p-Learning) which will be more that a clever integration of the future telecommunication technologies and networks. But it will be also the design of new original and innovative ways to learn into the context of “Ambient Intelligence”. It will take into account not only the ubiquity of the learning systems and the mobility of the learners, but also new required properties for this new learning mode, and the potential of multimedia, multi-channels and multimodal user interfaces, sensible to the personality of the user/learner, in a One-to-One approach. By multi-channels we mean a rich choice of combination of a particular end user terminal with different kind of networks (Quality of Services, topology, protocols, costs) including voice and video and person-to-person communication. P-Learning systems imply also the capacity, in a particular field of application, to master the processes of discovery, composition, adaptation of contextual services and interactions with the users, and to overcome the problem of the complexity issued from the large possible combinations of elements.
Another key problem is the requirement for a continuous following of the user into a great variety of contexts, and our effort will be put also into this direction at two levels: inside the intermediation infrastructure, between the service universe and the communication universe, by putting more “intelligence” to provide seamless services whatever the channels in use or past ruptures; and outside, for the experiments, by providing a specific instrumentation of the experimental platforms, that take into account the distributed and evolving nature of the interactions and problems of evaluation of remote usability.
Partenars: LIFL Lille University, Auchan, La poste, French Virtual Medical University, INT- GET
Keywords: Pervasive and Context-Aware Technology Enhanced Learning Systems, Scenarios, Adaptation, Semantic Web