Nota: The Group's activities came to an end in 2020
Transdisciplinary Research in Engineering Education
Recent Activities
- 2020, forthcoming
- [October 2020] EASTEM project meeting on framework and guidelines which integrates University-Industry Collaboration activities, engaging with high level representatives (deans, vice rectors and rectors) of partner institutions. Hosted online by IMT Atlantique, France.
- [July 2020] DAhoy final conference, free online registration, hosted on-line by IMT Atlantique, Brest, France.
- [July 2020] Career Decision Making in DAhoy, 2 paper presentations during Edulearn2020 virtual conference.
- [June 2020] CDIO 2020 International conference, paper presentation on University-Industry collaboration models in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. Hosted on-line by Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- [June 2020] EASTEM 2nd general project meeting, Yogyakarta (Indonesia, hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada). Showcasing the ToT courses and STEM centres. Presenting 1st deliverable 4.1. Foundations for competence integration, based on questionnaire completed by all Asian partners.
- [February 2020] S. Rouvrais presentation of the history of French Engineering Education, from Ecole des constructeurs de vaisseaux 1.0, Kosa Pan, to Society 5.0 and beyond. In the 1st Euro-Asia STEM Education Conference (EASTEM-EC) at Science and Technology Park (SteP).
- [February 2020] EASTEM project meeting on Student Centered Learning models & STEM centers, hosted by Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
- 2019
- [September 2019] DAhoy PjBL learning week analysis at Reykjavic Univesrtity with 230 students and DAhoy French and Scottish students on mindefullness and pandemic crisis management VUCA scenarios.
- [September 2019] DAhoy project meeting at Fundació Universitat-Empresa de les Illes Balears
- [June 2019] Career Decision Making in DAhoy, presentation during Edulearn2019 conference in Spain.
- [June 2019] DAhoy Navigation Simulator demonstration in VUCA situations, short experiential course to practice during « 2019 Questions de pédagogies dans l'enseignement supérieur ».
- [May 2019] EASTEM project meeting on Student Centered Learning models & Training the Trainers, hosted by Uppsala University.
- [March 2019] DAhoy Experiental learning week analysis at IMT Atlantique on VUCA scenarios.
- [February 2019] EASTEM kick off hosted by HCMUTE in Ho Chi Minh City.
- [February 2019] DAhoy simulation week learning analysis at Ecole Navale.
- [January 2019] Co-organization with CESI of the 2019 CDIO EU and UK meeting, La Rochelle. 23-25 January.
- [January 2019] DAhoy project meeting at La Rochelle.
- 2018
- [August 2018] EASTEM project selected and granted 999.000 Euros for 2019-2021. Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education: Euro-Asia collaboration for enhancing STEM education. Coordinated by Uppsala University, with IMT Atlantique, Vilnius University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Hué University, Hung Yen University of Technical Education, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institute of Technology Bandung, University of Udayana, Mahidol University, Chiang Mai University, Prince of Songkla University.
- [June 2018] S. Rouvrais to present the published paper "Engineering Students Ready for a VUCA World? A design based research", 14th CDIO 2018 Conference, Kanazawa, Japan.
- [June 2018] TREE members at Reykjavic University for the 3rd Joint Staff Training Event on Mindul Leadership in VUCA contexts thanks to the D'Ahoy project, with the Air Ground Rescue Team of Reykjavik, & Prendo Simulations Ltd.
- [April 2018] TREE members at City of Glasgow College for the 2nd Joint Staff Training Event on Decision Skills thanks to the D'Ahoy project.
- [February 2018] TREE members to submit with Uppsala and Vilnius Universities an Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building project on STEM Education.
- [January 2018] TREE members at French Ecole Navale for the 1st Joint Staff Experiential Training Event on Decision and leadership Skills thanks to the D'Ahoy project.
- [January 2018] S. ouvrais to present with S. Lebris from Ecole Navale their paper on "Fiabilité organisationnelle et capacités de décision en situations complexes", in Ecole thématique Rochebrune 2018 : « Systèmes Complexes Artificiels & Naturels »
- 2017
- [December 2017] C. Sablé and S. Rouvrais to present at the Ingenium Colloquium in CNAM, Paris. Procedures and discernment skills in profesionnal engineering.
- [October 2017] TREE members at the launch of the D'Ahoy project at City of Glasgow College, Scotland.
- [Sept 2017] S. Rouvrais at 11th Annual Higher Education Conference, "Higher Education Today: Crises, Contestations, Contemplations, and Futures", 3 papers presented in the context of the EU INSPIRE project. 27-29 September 2017, Durban, South Africa;
- [Sept 2017] A. Gourvès-Hayward & S. Rouvrais to present their papers at 45th SEFI annual conference, "Education Excellence for Sustainability", 18-21 September, Azores, Portugal;
- [August 2017] R. Clayton Bernard to attend the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017 Conference at the University of Tampere, Finland;
- [July 2017] EU Erasmus+ KA2-SP D'Ahoy project selected by the Agency, 2017-2020. Leaded by S. Rouvrais from TREE, with University of Reykjavic, City of Glasgow College, SCQFP, Ecole Navale, FUEIB, and FREREF;
- [July 2017] A. Johansen to attend the Summer Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, at the University of Kentucky, in Lexington;
- [June 2017] Internal Seminar to realign the scope of TREE IMT Atlantique research & activity perimeters, plan 2017-2020, inc. interoperation strategy with external collaborators (30 June);
- [June 2017] Preparation of the call for papers of the forthcoming GLAT Conference, by A. Gourvès-Hayward , C. Sablé, to be in Brest, 6-8 June 2018;
- [June 2017] R. Clayton Bernard attended the Forum on Language Learning Motivation at the University of Warwick, UK. Workshop "Researching L2 motivation: three experienced voices";
- [June 2017] A. Johansen (Helping Learners Better Understand Different Accents in English) and R. Clayton Bernard (Peer assessment as a motivator for raising students' awareness of their own knowledge: a reflection on the use of ICT) presented papers at the UPLEGESS conference at Grenoble INP;
- [June 2017] A. Gourvès-Hayward & C. Sablé to represent TREE on the Scientific committee at the UPLEGESS conference;
- [June 2017] M. Karmann to present at QPES Colloquium, Grenoble;
- [June 2017] S. Rouvrais at intl CDIO Calgary Conf to present a paper in the EER track on Work-based Learning models in French Eng Educ curricula;
- [May 2017] C. Sablé & A. Gourvès-Hayward, INNOSOC meeting in Valencia, Spain, lecturers for transnational ERASMUS+ study program on intercultural and communication skills in line with challenges of social responsibility for engineers of the 21st century;
- [May 2017] Internal Seminar on TREE IMT Atlantique research & activity perimiters;
- [May 2017] Proceedings of GLAT Conference 2016 'Actors and forms of mediation for intercultural dialogue', 17-19 May 2016, edited by M. de Gioia, A. Gourvès-Hayward, and C. Sablé;
- [May 2017] Presentation of research on interculturality by A. Gourvès-Hayward , C. Sablé. Albi for DIDALANG; Seminar in view of creating an IMT research group;
- [May 2017] Ingenium network, preparation of the forthcoming Conference : "Discernment and procedure";
- [April 2017] TREE members to participate to a research day at ENSTA Bretagne with CRF (Centre de Recherche sur la Formation, CNAM Paris) on "formation des ingénieurs, identité et professionnalisation";
- [March 2017] An Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for HE and VET around Decision Making skills propored by TREE to the French E+ Agency, with Reykjavic University, Ecole Navale, City of Glasgow College, SCQFP, FUEIB, and FREREF;
- [March 2017] "French teaching for engineers" presentation, by C. Sablé. In La journée PRO de l’ASDIFLE;
- [March 2017] Internal Seminar 'review of PhD students objectives in TREE', and presentation of invited Prof. Michele De Gioia (from Università degli Studi di Padova);
- [Feb-March 2017] C. Sablé, Invited Academic at Gafsa University in Tunisia for Faculty training;
- [Feb 2017] C. Sablé and A. Gourvès-Hayward involved in the launch of INNOSOC 2017, an interdisciplinary and intercultural teaching and research initiative, financed by ERASMUS+;
- [Feb 2017] C. Sablé and A. Gourvès-Hayward, invited to participate in a research project : « Ontoterminologia della mediazione. Un contributo alla mediazione e alle nuove politiche sociali », led by the University of Padova, Italy – conference in December 2017;
- [Jan 2017] Internal Seminar 'review of Activities & fostering impacts with IMT Atlantique'; TROPES system installed for qualitative analysis (semi-directive interviews);
- [Jan 2017] S. Rouvrais at TCD CDIO EU regional meeting.
- 2016
- [Nov 2016] S. Rouvrais at ISEP CDIO Fall meeting;
- [Nov 2016] A. Johansen at TESOL France's 35th Annual International Colloquium to present "Accent on Accents: Understanding Other Speaker";
- [Nov 2016] R. Clayton present at TESOL France Colloquium at Télécom Paris Tech;
- [Nov 2016] S. Rouvrais and S. Lebris from Ecole Navale to present at the World Engineering Education Forum & Deans Council in Seoul;
- [Oct 2016] R. Clayton, A. Johansen, C. Sablé & N. Zeini participated in UTICE training day « étudiant, acteur de son apprentissage »;
- [Sept 2016] Cecile Gerwel Proches from Business & Leadership School at UKZN (SA), as academic visitor (1 month) thanks to an INSPIRE fellowship, investigated "First job preferences and expectations of engineering students", details here;
- [June 2016] Internal Seminar 'Prospective research activities';
- [June 2016] QAEMP final project meeting at TUAS during the 12th intl CDIO conf;
- [May 2016] C. Sablé & M. De Gioia, Presidents; A. Gourvès-Hayward, A. Johansen, M.Daley & K. Langlet Scientific & Organisation committees, at the 17th GLAT international and interdisciplinary conference, Actors and forms of mediation for intercultural dialogue, Law Faculty, University of Padova, Italy, May 17th to 19th, 2016;
- [May 2016] A. Gourvès-Hayward & C. Sablé, Scientific committee, & A. Gourvès-Hayward , C. Sintes & A. Le Saout presenting at the 44th UPLEGESS conference, “Norms and frameworks – Creativity and innovation : What mediation in an educational context?”, Paris, 25th to 28th May;
- [April – June 2016] R. Clayton completed the course “Découverte du e-learning”, Université de Technologie Ouverte Pluripartenaire;
- [March 2016] S. Rouvrais spent one month as Visiting Academic at University of Cape Town (Center for Research in Engineering and Science Education);
- [Feb 2016] C. Sablé and A. Gourvès-Hayward in the launch of INNOSOC 2016-, an interdisciplinary and intercultural teaching and research initiative, financed by ERASMUS+;
- [Jan 2016] QAEMP Project Meeting at 3TU.Delft during the CDIO Regional conference.
- 2015
- [Dec 2015] A. Gourvès-Hayward and C. Sablé at Padova University, Italy, in preparation for the 17th GLAT international and interdisciplinary conference;
- [Dec 2015] Collaborative cross-sparring visits with Reykiavic University, analysis of engineering programmes;
- [Dec 2015] Collaboration with Gafsa University in Tunisia on Faculty training;
- [Nov 2015] C. Sablé & A. Gourves as guest lecturers on interculturality at Padova University, Italy
- [Nov 2015] Koli Calling Conf. on Computing Education Research & LeTech@Aalto meeting
- [Nov 2015] QAEMP Project Meeting at Queen's Belfast
- [Oct 2015] A. Johansen in a research collaboration with Hong Kong Uni 'longitudinal study of Chinese students at French Engineering Schools;
- [Oct 2015] Internal Seminar 'Conferences, Networking and EE Strategy'
- [Sept 2015] E. Berthemet in the annual meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Community, 'Прагматическая составляющая фразеологизмов на примере прагматем в словарях (Description of the pragmatic component of pragmatemes in dictionaries)
- [Sept 2015] intl WEEF conference@Florence, 1 paper & 1 workshop for EU QAEMP project
- [Sept 2015] S. Rouvrais at Uppsala University for a EU H2020 collaborative brainstorming session, seminar@UpCERG with Stephen T. Frezza (IEEE FIE 2016)
- [June 2015] A. Johansen on 'Research Questions and Issues in the assessment of languages', LAIRDIL Symposium;
- [June 2015] A. Johansen on 'The Forum and Individual Reflection in C1 English Evaluation at an Engineering School', LAIRDIL Symposium, Albi (ppt)
- [June 2015] TREE members at CDIO intl CDIO conference, French Questions de Pédagogies dans l'enseignement supérieur Colloquium, and EU SEFI conference. Alison Gourves-Hayward as keynote speaker, SEFI conference
- [May 2015] Internal Seminar 'Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis for EER', with Sylvie Stephan from Brest Business School
- [May 2015] A. LeSaout & R. Ryall in the Working Group for teaching languages in French Graduate Eng Schools, 43rd UPLEGUESS conf
- [May 2015] Two Academic Staff scholarships (TREE to UCT and UKZN to TREE, 1 month mobilities) thanks to the EU INSPIRE project
- [April 2015] QAEMP visit of R. Clark (Aston) and J. Bennedsen (Aarhus), special session on EER activities at Telecom Bretagne, Aston, DK and EU
- [April 2015] Internal Seminar 'Internal and external collaborations, incoming EER visitors'
- [March 2015] Internal Seminar 'Strategies for mutual benefits & dissemination'
- 2014
- [Dec 2014] Internal Seminar 'End of year & food for thought'
- [Nov 2014] EU INSPIRE kick-off meeting at University of the Western Cape, SA
- [Nov 2014] Internal Seminar 'Staff and Student motivational aspects for educational reforms, Research Questions'
- [Nov 2014] CDIO intl. Fall meeting at Universidad de Chile, Santiago
- [Oct 2014] Intl SPICE conference at Vilnius University, paper presented
- [Sept 2014] EU SEFI conference@Birmingham, 2 papers presented, including QAEMP kickoff
- [Sept 2014] EU Erasmus+KA2 QAEMarketPlace4HEI project granted and started (kickoff during SEFI14)
- [July 2014] Internal Seminar 'Topical Research Questions and Telecom Bretagne fields of study'
- [June 2014] GLAT conference@TB
- [June 2014] Erasmus Mundus Action2 INSPIRE selected by the EACEA
- [June 2014] Intl. CDIO conference@UPC, 2 papers presented
- [May 2014] Conference Languages and Humanities in the Grandes Écoles, Dialogues and propects
- [May 2014] Internal Seminar 'Research Methodologies for Engineering Education'
- [March 2014] Internal Seminar 'last pedagogical advances in Telecom Bretagne departements'
- [Feb 2014] Meeting with UpCERG (Uppsala) and LeTech (Aalto) researchers
- [Feb 2014] Erasmus+ KA2 project application 'Quality Assurance and Enhancement Marketplace for HEI'
- etc.