

✸ C. Tor-Diez, N. Passat, I. Bloch, S. Faisan, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau. An iterative multi-atlas patch-based approach for cortex segmentation from neonatal MRI. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 70:73-82, 2018. hal-01761063

✸ P. Cettour-Janet, C. Cazorla, V. Machairas, Q. Delannoy, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau, E. Decencière, N. Passat. Watervoxels. Image Processing On Line, 9:317-328, 2019.hal-02004228

✸ N. Passat, B. Naegel, C. Kurtz. Component-graph construction. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 61(6):798-823, 2019.hal-01821264

✸ C.-H. Pham, C. Tor-Díez, H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, R. Fablet, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Multiscale brain MRI super-resolution using deep 3D convolutional networks. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 77:101647, 2019.hal-01635455

✸ M. Proisy, I. Corouge, A. Legouhy, A. Nicolas, V. Charon, N. Mazille, S. Leroux, B. Bruneau, C. Barillot, J.-C. Ferré. Changes in brain perfusion in successive arterial spin labeling MRI scans in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24:101939, 2019. inserm-02189386

✸ F. Rousseau, L. Drumetz, R. Fablet. Residual networks as flows of diffeomorphisms. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 62:365-375, 2019. hal-01796729

✸ Q. Delannoy, C.-H. Pham, C. Cazorla, C. Tor-Díez, G. Dollé, H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, R. Fablet, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. SegSRGAN: Super-resolution and segmentation using generative adversarial networks — Application to neonatal brain MRI. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 120:103755, 2020.hal-02189136

✸ A. Legouhy, O. Commowick, M. Proisy, F. Rousseau, C. Barillot. Regional brain development analysis through registration using anisotropic similarity, a constrained affine transformation. PloS one, 15(2):e0214174, 2020. inserm-02493143 

✸ S. Moghimi, A. Shadkam, M. Mahmoudzadeh, O. Calipe, M. Panzani, M. Edalati, M. Ghorbani, L. Routier, F. Wallois. The intimate relationship between coalescent generators in very premature human newborn brains: Quantifying the coupling of nested endogenous oscillations. Human Brain Mapping, 41(16), 4691-4703, 2020.

✸ J.F. Randrianasoa, P. Cettour-Janet, C. Kurtz, E. Desjardin, P. Gançarski, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau, N. Passat. Supervised quality evaluation of binary partition trees for object segmentation. Pattern Recognition, 111:107667, 2021.hal-02151830

✸ J.F. Randrianasoa, C. Kurtz, E. Desjardin, N. Passat. AGAT: Building and evaluating binary partition trees for image segmentation. SoftwareX, 16:100855, 2021. hal-03384164

✸ F. Wallois, L. Routier, C. Heberlé, M. Mahmoudzadeh, E. Bourel-Ponchel, S. Moghimi. Back to basics: the neuronal substrates and mechanisms that underlie the electroencephalogram in premature neonates. Neurophysiologie Clinique 51(1):5-33, 2021. hal-03499633

✸ M. Dubois, A. Legouhy, I. Corouge, O. Commowick, B. Morel, P. Pladys, J.-C. Ferré, C. Barillot, M. Proisy. Multiparametric Analysis of Cerebral Development in Preterm Infants Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Frontiers in neuroscience, in press. hal-03202821
✸ S. Lohrengel, M. Mahmoudzadeh, F. Oumri, S. Salmon, F. Wallois. A homogenized cerebrospinal fluid model for diffuse optical tomography in the neonatal head. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, in press.hal-03144383



✸ A. Legouhy, O. Commowick, F. Rousseau, C. Barillot. Anisotropic similarity, a constrained affine transformation: Application to brain development analysis. ISMRM, 2018. inserm-01871274

✸ J.F. Randrianasoa, C. Kurtz, P. Gançarski, E. Desjardin, N. Passat. Intrinsic quality analysis of binary partition trees. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), pp. 114-119, 2018. hal-01695077

✸ P. Cettour-Janet, G. Valette, L. Lucas, H. Meunier, G. Loron, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau, N. Passat. Hierarchical approach for neonate cerebellum segmentation from MRI: An experimental study. International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), pp. 483-495, 2019.hal-01982960

✸ A. Legouhy, O. Commowick, F. Rousseau, C. Barillot. Online atlasing using an iterative centroid. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), pp.366-374, 2019. inserm-02317392 

✸ A. Legouhy, O. Commowick, F. Rousseau, C. Barillot. Unbiased longitudinal brain atlas creation using robust linear registration and log-Euclidean framework for diffeomorphisms. IEEE International Symposium on biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp.1038-1041, 2019. inserm-02099958

✸ N. Passat, Y. Kenmochi, P. Ngo, K. Pluta. Rigid motions in the cubic grid: A discussion on topological issues. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), pp. 127-140, 2019.hal-01892944

✸ C.-H. Pham, C. Tor-Díez, H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, R. Fablet, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Simultaneous super-resolution and segmentation using a generative adversarial network: Application to neonatal brain MRI. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 991-994, 2019.hal-01895163

✸ C. Tor-Díez, S. Faisan, L. Mazo, N. Bednarek, H. Meunier, I. Bloch, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Multilabel, multiscale topological transformation for cerebral MRI segmentation post-processing. International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), pp. 471-482, 2019.hal-01982972

✸ C. Tor-Díez, C.-H. Pham, H. Meunier, S. Faisan, I. Bloch, N. Bednarek, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Evaluation of cortical segmentation pipelines on clinical neonatal MRI data. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp. 6553-6556, 2019.hal-01896545

✸ S. Lohrengel, G. Dollé, F. Oumri, S. Salmon, F. Wallois. Mathematical modeling of diffusive optical tomography in the neonatal head. Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), 2020. hal-03499691

✸ S. Lohrengel, M. Mahmoudzadeh, F. Oumri, S. Salmon, F. Wallois. Diffusive optical tomography in the neonatal head: a homogenized model for the cerebrospinal fluid layer. Inverse Days, 2021. hal-03499705✸ [Passat:2021] N. Passat, P. Ngo, Y. Kenmochi. Homotopic Digital Rigid Motion: An Optimization Approach on Cellular Complexes. International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM), pp. 189-201, 2021.hal-02994752

Book chapter

✸ F. Rousseau, O. Commowick, J. Jomier, N. Passat, F. Wallois. L’imagerie cérébrale néonatale. Le corps en images. Les nouvelles technologies d'imagerie pour la santé, pp.146-159, in press. hal-03295913

Outreach Conferences

✸ F. Rousseau. Voir le cerveau grandir. Semaine du Cerveau, 2017.
✸ S. Salmon. Sur quelques outils mathématiques pour l'imagerie médicale, Colloquium Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims UMR 9008, 2017.



✸ H. Meunier, N. Passat, G. Loron, P. Cettour-Janet, P. Venot, N. Bednarek. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of cerebral MRI at term corrected in children born before 32 weeks of gestation. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting (PAS), 2019.

✸ N. Passat. Component-trees: Structural and spectral extensions. Workshop on Digital Topology and Mathematical Morphology (DTMM), 2019.

✸ F. Rousseau. Multi-atlas neonatal brain MRI segmentation: patch-based to deep approaches. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), 2019.

✸ F. Rousseau. The Fetal Brain. 3D Imaging: preprocessing. European Congress of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics (ECMRN), 2020.
✸ S. Lohrengel, M. Mahmoudzadeh, F. Oumri, S. Salmon, F. Wallois. A homogenized model for optical tomography in the neonatal head, PDE, Analysis and Applications. Conference in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Serge Nicaise, 2021.

✸ F. Rousseau. Analyse d’images IRM multimodales adaptées au fœtus. Journées françaises de radiologie, 2015.

✸ H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, N. Passat, G.-I. Mac Caby, P. Venot, O. Okiemy, G. Loron. Vélocimétrie par doppler Ultrafast® de la vascularisation cérébrale des nouveau-nés grands prématurés en période néonatale. Congrès de la Société Française de Neurologie Pédiatrique, 2018.

✸ F. Oumri, S. Lohrengel, S. Salmon. Modélisation de la tomographie optique chez l'enfant prématuré. Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique, 2018.

✸ P. Cettour-Janet, G. Valette, L. Lucas, H. Meunier, G. Loron, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau, N. Passat. Segmentation d'IRM de cervelet de nouveau-nés prématurés par approche hiérarchique. Journée ISS France, 2019.

✸ F. Oumri, S. Lohrengel, S. Salmon. Simulation numérique de la tomographie optique diffuse. Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), 2019.

✸ F. Rousseau. Reversible networks for brain MRI synthesis. BrainHack, 2019.

✸ F. Rousseau. Super-résolution en IRM: deep-learning & difféomorphismes. Journées IHP AMIES “les mathématiques de l’image”, 2019.
✸ F. Oumri, S. Lohrengel, S. Salmon. Un modèle homogénéisé pour la tomographie optique pour le nouveau-né. Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), 2021.



✸ C. Tor-Díez, N. Passat, I. Bloch, S. Faisan, N. Bednarek, F. Rousseau. Une approche par patchs, multi-atlas, itérative pour la segmentation du cortex cérébral en IRM néonatale. Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception (RFIAP), 2018. hal-01716923

✸ P. Cettour-Janet, H. Meunier. Approche hiérarchique pour la segmentation du cervelet en IRM chez le nouveau-né : une étude expérimentale. ORASIS, 2019
✸ Q. Delannoy, C.-H. Pham, C. Cazorla, C. Tor-Díez, G. Dollé, H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, R. Fablet, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Réseaux antagonistes génératifs pour la reconstruction super-résolution et la segmentation en IRM. Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances - Atelier Apprentissage Profond : Théorie et Applications (APTA@EGC), 2020. hal-02387754

✸ C.-H. Pham, C. Tor-Díez, H. Meunier, N. Bednarek, R. Fablet, N. Passat, F. Rousseau. Super-résolution et segmentation simultanées d’IRM cérébrales néonatales par réseaux antagonistes génératifs. Congrès National d’Imagerie du Vivant (CNIV), 2019. hal-01978970



✸ F. Rousseau. On early brain development from MRI data. International winter school “New challenges in the physics of brain”, 2016.

✸ F. Rousseau. On the growth and form of cortical convolutions. NAFEMS, Paris, 2016.

✸ F. Rousseau. On early brain development from MRI data. Journées NeuroSTIC, 2017.

✸ F. Rousseau. On early brain development from MRI data. International Summer School, Anger, 2017.

✸ F. Wallois. Prise en charge des prématurés : le CHU Amiens-Picardie et le laboratoire GRAMFC de l’UPJV réalisent un enregistrement de l’activité cérébrale d’une précision jamais atteinte en clinique. France bleue Picardie, 11 sept 2017.

✸ F. Rousseau. On dynamical systems: brain development & deep networks. Séminaire, Politechnico Di Torino, 2019.
✸ F. Rousseau. L’imagerie cérébrale néonatale. Journées Imageries CNRS, IRISA, 2020.


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