Main Projects


Formose aims to provide a formally-grounded, model-based requirements engineering method for critical complex systems, supported by an open-source environment. Formose is a 48 months project proposed by a consortium made up of 2 academic partners (LACL—project leader— and Institut Mines-Telecom) and 2 companies (THALES and ClearSy).

The project is funded by the French Research Agency


QAEMP (2014-2016) was an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project funded by the EU. Objectives were derived from challenges of higher education in Europe and the limits of actual models and processes of quality assurance procedures. The project aimed at developing a collaborative and flexible quality enhancement process model to complement accreditation and QA systems. It tooks its inspiration from ISO/IEC 33000 Process Assessment Standard series for the assessment of processes (self-assessment; process improvement & capability determination; process rating).

Mopcom-I (2008-2011) The project MOPCOM-I aims at exploiting the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) for the specification and design of systems by improving the reliability of process-based models. We helped modeling and prototyping tools that guide the use and reuse of model transformations specified in a explicit development process model.

The project was partly funded by Région Bretagne and the French direction générale des entreprises (DGE).

SP@CIFY (2007-2010) is an R&D project aiming at developing a design environment for critical embedded software, with the following features: model-driven engineering, a multi-clock synchronous paradigm, state-of-the-art model checking, formally-verified model transformations, an executive platform supporting distribution, partitionning and dynamic adaptation.

The project is partly funded by the French Research Agency (ANR/RNTL).

SAUNA (2005-2007) Study of an infrastructure deployment concept and network administration for France Telecom R & D.

AMADEUS (2004-2006) Regional project of collaboration on model transformations, contracts and verification. The project was funded by Région Bretagne


IMT Atlantique